Announcements/Reminders for the week of November 19
1. Citrus Sale Fundraiser – Completed 2. 8th Grade Night - Completed 3. Holiday Spirit Wear Shoppe – Orders Closed Delivery: December 12 & 13 (Winter Concert Dates*) *If you are ordering gifts, perhaps come to the concert on the opposite night to pick up items? 4. Concert Uniform Fittings – Make-Up Date If you missed Concert Uniform Fittings, please go to the make-up fitting date/time. Make-Up Date: Monday, November 26 Make-Up Time: 7pm-9pm Make-Up Location: Almond Band Room Girls: Girls will be fitted into long black dresses. Boys: Boys will be fitted into black jacket and pants. Black bow ties will be available for purchase for $4. White dress/tux shirt is provided on their own Cleaning Fee: $5 Please bring cash or check ONLY Volunteers needed, please contact Dawn if you can make it! 5. Disneyland Trip Second Installment Payment is Due Date: Friday, November 30 Amount: $500 (changed from original itinerary) Where: Either Campus’ Business Office (Bookkeeper) 6. Tilt Studio Night Date: Friday, November 30 Time: 6pm-9pm Laser Tag, Mini Golf, Ice Skating, Food, Raffles, FUN! Invite all of your friends and family to have a great night out! Must mention Warren Band Fundraiser for your purchase to count! (do NOT use kiosks) Comments are closed.