Hello Warren Band Parents and Students,
Next year is the 100th anniversary of Warren Township High School (1917 - 2017). The high school is trying to collect contact info for as many alumni as possible in a short time frame. If you are a Warren alumni or know of others who are (family, friends or others), please pass the word along. This information will be used to send out info on all the special centennial events that will happen next school year, including the possibility of an alumni band concert. Everyone needs to fill out the form ASAP at the following address: https://docs.google.com/a/wths.net/forms/d/1R6Jq9-4IWfCUp3Bl3jPtb5WQWvGWUQ9lIs6dDh1TAis/viewform This form can also be accessed thru the home page of the WTHS website. Go Blue Devils! Mark Haynes President WTHS Band Boosters Comments are closed.