Warren Marching Blue Devils Event Conflict Policy
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If you have a conflict, a PARENT or GUARDIAN must contact your student's director (by email preferably or leave a voice message) at least 48 hours prior to your conflict. If you have multiple or repeating conflicts you only need to email your director or leave one voice message explaining the ongoing nature of the conflicts.
Band Event Conflict Policy - Acceptable Conflicts:
1.) Equal School Conflict - Athletic or Club event (more information below).
2.) Family Emergency
3.) Religious Observance or Service - Social/Recreational religious events are not excusable conflicts.
What to include on your message:
1.) Your name and your student's name (include relationship to student)
2.) Nature of your conflict.
3.) The date(s) of the conflict and the type of event the student will miss (game, rehearsal, etc.).
4.) Contact information in case we need more information regarding the conflict. This is very important!!!
What happens if I don't call 48 hours in advance?
In some emergencies this advance notice may not be possible and we will evaluate this on a case by case basis. Generally, a 30% reduction in grade will be applied if conflicts are reported less than 48 hours prior to an event.
What is an equal school event conflict?
Students will be allowed to miss band rehearsals if they have a conflicting practice or rehearsal with another school group (WTHS sports teams, drama, choir, etc.). These are deemed "equal school events". In these cases, the students must decide for themselves which event they should attend while still following the conflict policy procedures above. The same is true if a student has a conflicting game and band performance.
In the event of an "unequal school conflict" the student would attend the event of higher importance. For example, if a student has a swim meet that conflicts with a rehearsal, the student would attend the meet because it bears a higher importance than the rehearsal. A state band tournament is more important than a conference sports meet or game, etc.
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If you have a conflict, a PARENT or GUARDIAN must contact your student's director (by email preferably or leave a voice message) at least 48 hours prior to your conflict. If you have multiple or repeating conflicts you only need to email your director or leave one voice message explaining the ongoing nature of the conflicts.
Band Event Conflict Policy - Acceptable Conflicts:
1.) Equal School Conflict - Athletic or Club event (more information below).
2.) Family Emergency
3.) Religious Observance or Service - Social/Recreational religious events are not excusable conflicts.
What to include on your message:
1.) Your name and your student's name (include relationship to student)
2.) Nature of your conflict.
3.) The date(s) of the conflict and the type of event the student will miss (game, rehearsal, etc.).
4.) Contact information in case we need more information regarding the conflict. This is very important!!!
What happens if I don't call 48 hours in advance?
In some emergencies this advance notice may not be possible and we will evaluate this on a case by case basis. Generally, a 30% reduction in grade will be applied if conflicts are reported less than 48 hours prior to an event.
What is an equal school event conflict?
Students will be allowed to miss band rehearsals if they have a conflicting practice or rehearsal with another school group (WTHS sports teams, drama, choir, etc.). These are deemed "equal school events". In these cases, the students must decide for themselves which event they should attend while still following the conflict policy procedures above. The same is true if a student has a conflicting game and band performance.
In the event of an "unequal school conflict" the student would attend the event of higher importance. For example, if a student has a swim meet that conflicts with a rehearsal, the student would attend the meet because it bears a higher importance than the rehearsal. A state band tournament is more important than a conference sports meet or game, etc.