Announcements/Reminders for the week of November 26 1. Holiday Raffle – Due December 7 What: Raffle Ticket fundraiser Due: December 7 – Return Ticket Stubs and Money to your Band Director Cost: $1 per Raffle Ticket Each band student should have received 20 Raffle Tickets in the mail to their home. If each band student sells just 20 Raffle Tickets, together, we can raise over $6000! Funds raised will support the repair and purchase of instruments, uniforms, and scholarships! You can request additional tickets from your band director. Students who sell at least 30 tickets will be entered into a raffle for one of the Imagine bicycles. Please make checks payable to “Warren Band Boosters”. Winning Tickets will be drawn in the O’Plaine Auditorium on December 12 at the O'Plaine Concert Bands’ Holiday Band Concert, and announced again at December 13 Holiday Concert for Almond Concert Band/Symphonic Band II/Symphonic Band I. 2. Holiday Spirit Wear Shoppe – Orders Closed Delivery: December 12 & 13 (Winter Concert Dates*) *If you are ordering gifts, perhaps come to the concert on the opposite night to pick up items? 3. Concert Uniform Fittings – Make-Up Date If you missed Concert Uniform Fittings, please go to the make-up fitting date/time. Make-Up Date: Monday, December 3 Make-Up Time: 7pm-9pm Make-Up Location: Almond Band Room Girls: Girls will be fitted into long black dresses. Boys: Boys will be fitted into black jacket and pants. Black bow ties will be available for purchase for $4. White dress/tux shirt is provided on their own Cleaning Fee: $5 Please bring cash or check ONLY Volunteers needed, please contact Dawn if you can make it! 4. Disneyland Trip Second Installment Payment is Due Date: Friday, November 30 Amount: $500 (changed from original itinerary) Where: Either Campus’ Business Office (Bookkeeper) 5. Tilt Studio Night Date: Friday, November 30 Time: 6pm-9pm Laser Tag, Mini Golf, Ice Skating, Food, *Raffles, FUN! Invite all of your friends and family to have a great night out! Must mention Warren Band Fundraiser for your purchase to count! (do NOT use kiosks) *Raffle Ticket Prices: $1 = 1 Ticket $5 = 6 Tickets $20 = 25 Tickets (cash only) ![]()
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