Greetings Warren Band Families!
Announcements/Reminders Week of September 3 1.Band Booster Meeting – Thursday, September 6 O’Plaine Band Room at 7pm 2.Football Game Performance – Friday, September 7 Schedule 5:15-5:30pm Call time for all members in cafeteria – Must wear white band t-shirt, blue mesh shorts, and mid-calf, black socks Change in café – leave personal items there (parents will keep secure during game) 6:00pm Move to practice field behind stadium 6:15pm Field rehearsal 7:15pm Move to stadium - Sit in band stands 7:25pm National Anthem singers, then band plays school fight song First half Play in the stands during time outs Play at end of first quarter Fight Song after every Warren score 5min mark Band preps for show SHOW March on field Play and march drill March off field Second half ALL STUDENTS RETURN UNIFORMS TO CAFETERIA Competition band members (except drumline) Dismissed Non-competition band members Return to band stands (with instruments) Play at end of third quarter Fight song after every Warren score Fight song at the end of the game End of game Non-competition members dismissed: APPROX 9:30-10pm. We stay until the end of the game and have no control over how long a football game lasts. Reminders:
Any questions about this schedule, please contact Mr. Jenkins or your student's band director. 3. SECOND Warren Band Spirit Sale - CLOSED Items will be available for Pick up during the Week of September 17 4. Jimano’s Restaurant Fundraiser Date: September 13 Times: 4pm-8pm Location: Gurnee and Waukegan No need to make Dinner!! Pick Up Dinner and Support the Band! 5. 2019 Disneyland Band Trip Please find information attached. For more information, please visit our trip page: This webpage will be updated as more information becomes available. Please contact Mr. Jenkins you have any other questions. 6.North Knights Marching Festival SUNDAY, September 9, 2017 Warren’s Schedule: See detailed schedule Please arrive at the O'Plaine Campus at 10:00am for morning. Following rehearsal, load the trucks around noon. Please bring your lunch and snacks. Don't forget your instrument essentials (mouthpiece, extra reeds, sticks/mallets, flags/rifles, white gloves). Bus chaperons should arrive by NOON if you are not assisting with loading the trucks. All buses will leave O'Plaine promptly at 1:00pm. Our performance time is 3:42pm. Awards will begin at 4:30pm. Students will be returning to O'Plaine around 5:30pm. Under uniform: WHITE band shirt, Blue band shorts, MID-CALF BLACK socks, Black marching shoes [Note: color guard may have different requirements, please check with your coach.] Hair: If your student has long hair, please remember to bring accessories to pull hair up into the helmet. Nail Polish: No nail polish! Any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Jenkins ASAP. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grayslake North High School 1925 North Route 83 Grayslake, IL 60030 Admission Admission is $10.00 for adults. Senior and Students (with a school ID) $5.00. Children 3 and under are free with adult admission. Concessions The concession stand will open at noon and remain open until the end of the show. Prices range from $1.00 – $5.00 and will include hot dogs, pizza, marching tacos, popcorn, candy, and drinks. (Please support their Band Boosters!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments are closed.