Greetings band students and their parents,
Here are a couple announcements related to our Disney trip in early March. (Those students not traveling with us and their parents can ignore.) 1) Final Trip Costs Quad (4 to a room) cost: $1,357. Triples (3 to a room) cost: $1,399. Chaperone cost: $800. *If your student has made their three trip payments, their final payment will be $557 (or $599 if your student is staying in a triple). **The total due from each student (minus payments so far and any fund raising money raised) will be posted in each band room by tomorrow.** The final trip payment is due Thursday, January 26th (a week from this Thursday). 2) Mandatory trip meeting and marching rehearsal The trip meeting will be on Tuesday, February 21, from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm in the O’Plaine Auditorium. Trip chaperones should arrive at 6:30 pm for a brief meeting. The students and at least one parent needs to attend as final trip plans will be discussed and required forms need to be signed. The students will also meet their chaperones. After the meeting, the students will go to the gym or field house for a short, marching practice (parade lineup and rehearsal). The practice will end at 9:00 pm. 3) Emergency/Medical Information for the Disney Trip (Students and Chaperones) We are compiling emergency contact, basic medical, and food allergy information for all students and chaperones going on the Disney Trip. Please go to to enter your child's information by February 21st. This process should take only a couple minutes. All information will be kept confidential. Questions? Please contact Greg Johnson ([email protected]) or Mark Haynes ([email protected]). Please reply to this email or contact Mr. Jenkins ([email protected]) if you have any trip related questions or need the amount available in your student's trip account. Thanks WTHS Band Boosters Comments are closed.