Greetings Warren Competition Marching Band Families! The final Marching Band Competition for the Marching Blue Devils is this Saturday, October 13 at Downers Grove South High School. Please see attachment for details regarding cost, directions, maps, and list of schools competing. Band Boosters will provide the band students with one meal on this day. Please bring money for all other food/beverages. WARREN'S schedule: 9:00 am WTHS O’Plaine Building opens 9:30 am Field run-throughs 10:00 am Begin loading trucks 11:00 am Leave for DGS 12:00 pm Arrive at DGS - change into uniforms 12:45 pm Meet at truck to line up 1:00 pm Lined up to go to warm-up field 1:15 pm Warm-up – stretch, tune 2:00 pm Leave warm-up field for the main field gate holding area 2:15 pm PERFORM IN PRELIMINARY COMPETITION 2:30 pm Back to buses - put away equipment, change into clothes (Hang uniform correctly & turn into parents by your hanging rack) 3:00 pm Lunch/Dinner - at stadium, relax You may sit in back stands to watch the last few bands compete. Stay on school grounds. Sit quietly for other bands, NO negative behavior towards other bands. 5:30 pm Prelim Awards & Finalist announcement. 10 bands move on to Finals - The 3 class winners (A, AA, AAA) and next 7 highest scores go on to the Finals competition. 7:15 pm Finalist Competition begins 11:30 pm Approximate return to WTHS O’Plaine
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