Fellow band students and parents,
In just over a week, the Marching Blue Devils will be competing during the Chicagoland Marching Band Festival at Wheeling High School on Saturday, September 17. Our performance time is 9:15 PM. The schedule for performances at the festival is attached (CMBF_Final_Schedule). DIRECTIONS: Wheeling High School is located on the corner of Route 83 (Elmhurst Road) and Hintz Road in Wheeling, one mile south of Route 68 (Dundee Road) and one mile north of Palatine/Willow Road. TICKETS: General admission prices are - $12.00 Adults/$8.00 Students & Senior Citizens. Family plan is 2 adults/up to 4 children for $30.00. Competing band members must have their hand stamped upon arrival at the festival for admission to the stadium. The other attachment (CMBF_WMBD_Schedule) is the schedule for the band students and dress code. Our call time at O'Plaine is 2 PM. Band students should be in the stadium ready to rehearse promptly at 2:30 PM. Parents can expect to pick their students that evening at O'Plaine by 11:30 PM. Please contact Mr. Jenkins or your student's director if you have any questions. Go Blue Devils!! WTHS Band Boosters Comments are closed.