Greetings Warren Band Students and Parents,
Here are some updates and reminders for the week of Nov. 14, 2016. 1) Citrus Fruit Fundraiser (Completed) This fundraiser was completed late last week. Thanks to all who participated. Hopefully, many earned good money towards their student trip accounts. As a reminder, the delivery date will be early in the week of December 12th. 2) Concert Wear Fitting Nights - Tonight & Tomorrow! (Nov 14 & 15) (Reminder) The concert wear fitting nights are this week, Monday and Tuesday (Nov 14 & 15) at the Almond band room (5-7:30 pm each night). Parents, we have a minimal number of parent volunteers between 4:45-7:30 pm, but could still use more. Please come at 4:45 pm to help set up. Of course, your help is welcome even if you cannot arrive until later. Please email Dawn Tsarpalas at [email protected] if you can help or if you have any questions (or just show up tonight and/or tomorrow night to help). 3) 8th Grade Band Festival - This Week Wed (Nov 16) (Reminder) This event will be held at the Almond campus in the cafe area on Wednesday (Nov 16) from 7 to 8:30 P. Go Blue Devils!! Mark Haynes President Comments are closed.