Welcome 2017-2018 Marching Band parents,
It is time to register your Warren student for the 2017 Marching Blue Devil band camp! This year's dates are July 31-August 4. Please read the attached letter completely. There are two marching bands this season. The directors have talked to current band students about this change. If you have any questions, please send an email to Mr. Jenkins ([email protected]). This year's band registration packet is HERE. Please note band camp registration is through the WTHS Camp Registration site. If you're not out of town that week we need the students at camp. It's the single best time when the students can receive focused instruction from a professional staff for more than the few hours each week. And it's important that all registrations are in by May 31st so that music can be assigned and drills (marching instructions and diagrams) can be created to include everybody. If for any reason you cannot be at band camp or cannot register by the deadline please send a note to Mr. Jenkins ([email protected]) and let him know what is going on. Less than 98 days until the 2017 Marching Blue Devil band camp! Again, welcome (back) to the Warren Band Program. WTHS Band Boosters www.wthsbands.org Comments are closed.