2019 BAND CAMP Band Camp begins in 7 WEEKS!! As of this morning, only 55% of our band students have registered for Band Camp. Please register your student as soon as possible, so that proper staffing and materials may be prepared on time. Registration was due on June 14, however, you may still complete registration this week! (If you have any issues, please contact Mr Jenkins as soon as possible.) ([email protected]) All Warren Band Students should register for the 2019 Marching Blue Devil Band Camp. This year's dates are Monday, August 5 through Friday, August 9 at the O’Plaine campus from 9:00am to 5:00pm daily. Every band student is a member of the marching band and is needed to participate in the band camp for a successful season. Notify Mr. Jenkins with any conflicts regarding camp attendance. The 2019 Band Camp Information Packet can be found HERE. Instructions are included for the on-line registration for band camp. We have over 300 Warren Band members this year! Registration link: https://d121.cr3.rschooltoday.com/public/getclass/category_id/1/program_id/8 Please note that there are 2 Band Camps: Competition Marching Band Camp and Non-Competition Marching Band Camp. The camps run concurrently. · All class of 2023 Band Members should register for Non-Competition Marching BandCamp. (Exception: There are a few 2023 students who should register for Competition Marching Band Camp. Mr Jenkins should have reached out to those students/families already.) · Class of 2020-2022 Band Members should register for the Marching Band Camp corresponding to their Marching Band. The online registration will allow you to pay using a credit card or online bank account. Instructions for online registration are included in the attached 2019 Band Camp Information Packet. If you prefer to pay by paper check or cash you must complete the ONLINE registration form FIRST and then pay IN PERSON at the Warren Business Office. This year’s band camp fee for non-competition members is $125. This year’s band camp fee for COMPETITION members is $165. Color Guard Car Wash Support Warren Marching Blue Devil Color Guard in the West Parking Lot of TGI Fridays by getting your car washed! Funds raised will be used to purchase uniforms & costumes. Date: Saturday, June 22 Time: 9am-3pm Location: West Parking Lot of TGI Fridays (next to Target) Cost: Donation 2019-2020 Band Calendar Warren Band Boosters updates a Google Calendar. You may add this calendar to your own. Please note that all Band events are on this calendar, therefore, some events may not apply to all students. Instructions to add the band calendar to yours can be found on this webpage.http://www.wthsbands.org/calendar.html Comments are closed.