Greetings Warren Band Students and Parents,
Here are some additional honors that our band students recently received: Jazz in the Meadows Competition (Last Weekend) In addition to those detailed in this week's update, Noah Schuetter, Connor Mannebach, Eli Ameyibor and Eric DeLaCruz were recognized as outstanding musicians. ILMEA ILMEA students were honored at a recent board meeting. They announced Warren Township High School students who were selected to the Illinois Music Educators Association (ILMEA) District 7 Festival as well as the subsequent ILMEA All-State Festival. The ILMEA hosts nine different district festivals in the fall. More than 100 high schools participate in ILMEA in District 7, which includes Lake County, Northern Cook County and Eastern McHenry County. Auditions were held in early October and the top students on each instrument and voice part were selected to perform with the District 7 Choir and Band in November. After the District Festivals in November, the top students from each of the nine ILMEA Districts were selected to the ILMEA All-State Festival in January. Being selected to the ILMEA State Festival is the highest individual honor a high school musician can receive. Warren Township High School 2015-2016 District Festival selectees were: Band Nicolas Romero - trumpet, David Young - trumpet, Noah Schuetter - trumpet, Ruchira Ray - clarinet, Haiwen Liu - clarinet, Eric Jung - clarinet and Sarah Gibes - bassoon Jazz Band Elizabeth Carpentier - vibraphone, Noah Schuetter - trumpet and Evan Peters - Guitar Choir Jaylen Davis - Tenor I and Maya McGowan - Soprano I Warren Township High School 2016 All-State selectees were: Band Ruchira Ray - clarinet and Haiwen Liu - clarinet. Both students re-auditioned at the All-State Festival and were chosen for the "Honor Band", the top All-State Band. Congratulations to all the above students for their outstanding achievements! Go Blue Devils! Mark Haynes President WTHS Band Boosters Comments are closed.